Speaciality Products

Wolffish, Atlantic

This ferocious-looking wolffish gets its name from the sharp, protruding teeth it uses to feast on lobsters, clams and other shellfish. Found from southern New England to Greenland and the Barents Sea, the bottom dwelling cold water creature is primarily a bycatch of trawl fisheries targeting cod, haddock and other ground fish. Iceland, which has a directed fishery for the species, is the largest producer. Imports also come from Canada and Norway, which is developing wolfish-farming operations. The striped wolfish is one of three Atlantic species, which also include the northern and the spotted wolfish.

Product pdf for download
  • 1/2 fillet raw edible portion

  • Calories 147

  • Calories from Fat 14

  • Total Fat  3.66g

  • Saturated Fat 0.558g

  • Cholesterol 70mg

  • Sodium 130mg

  • Total Carbohydrates 0g

  • Protein 26.7g

Quality Control

Like all crab, blue crabs must be kept alive until they are cooked. Live crabs should be held in a cool environment but should never be iced. To maintain live crabs, they must be dipped in iced water for 20 seconds daily.


Not as firm as monkfish nor as delicate as sole, the versatile wolfish holds together well and can be cooked successfully by many methods. It’s excellent sautéed and sauced, or encrusted in herbed mustard and baked. The fish is a good addition to bouillabaisse, and with the skin on (to prevent sticking) it is even grill-friendly.

Interesting fact

Its formidable looking teeth are for breaking up the shells of crabs and shellfish and Wolfish have even been known to attack fishermen when caught! Apart from their unique appearance wolffish are distinguished by the natural antifreeze they produce to keep their blood moving fluidly in their very cold habitat.


Wolffish has long been held in high regard by European chefs, who find it an acceptable alternative to Dover Sole.


Found in the cold waters of the Arctic. Can be found in Canada, Greenland, and as low as Cape Cod. It has a large natural population in the Gulf of Maine. They can also be found in Russian’s White Sea and Nordic countries.

Harvest Method



The lean pearly white flesh of the wolfish has a firm texture and a mild sweet flavor, sometimes likened to lobster. The meat is a flake similar to cod’s but not as large. Wolffish skin is edible, but since there are no scales, this species cannot be kosher.

Market Segments

Both fine dining and non-fine dining.