Chef Sonny

February 1, 2012

Chef Sonny
Kevin Marple, Photographer

Chef Sonny was raised in Southern California, where his mom was constantly experimenting with new recipes and ingredients in the kitchen. Sonny believes his mother’s passion for cooking eventually trickled down to him, and he began his culinary career at age 18.  Sonny’s long list of cooking experience includes working at two award-winning Columbus, OH restaurants, The Columbus Fish Market and M.  The most valuable lesson he learned from his time spent at M was from his co-workers who taught him something new every single day.

Growing up in California had a big impact on Chef Sonny’s cooking style, and both fish and rice were always a staple in his Filipino household.  Sonny’s favorite style of cooking is Pan Asian, and he loves to work with seafood.  Sonny also lists salt and tasting spoons as his vital kitchen tools and emphasizes the importance of tasting your food before it is served in order to make sure it is seasoned properly and perfectly.

When Sonny isn’t in the kitchen, he enjoys traveling, fishing, grilling out and going to the beach with friends.  Sonny’s advice for aspiring chefs: “Always keep your eyes and ears open. You never know when you may learn something new.”

Taste some of Chef Sonny’s delicious treats at Ocean Prime.



Ocean Prime
Executive Chef: Sonny Pache
2101 Cedar Springs Rd., Dallas, TX 75201
(214) 965-0440    > Get Directions